100 cases made
Martin’s Safeway 6 for October 2011
A quick Safeway 6 featuring 1 x Zin, 3 x Cab., 1 x Cotes du Rhone and 1 x Blend
Jade Mountain Cabarnet Sauvignon 2007
This is a blended cab featuring grapes from Napa, Sonoma and Lake county The combined effect is quite a nice cab. Leans toward the old go to Rodney Strong Sonoma County. Anyway, something worth a try. Website http://jademountainvineyards.com I got mine from the canyon market.
Saintsbury, Pinot Noir Carneros 2007
Thought I would try a more up market pinot. I have had some of the saintsbury wines before and have enjoyed them (they are one of the wineries in the Press Club in San Francisco). Now I am not the biggest Pinot fan, but this was disappointing. It wasn’t bad in anyway I was just… Continue reading Saintsbury, Pinot Noir Carneros 2007
Brian’s Safeway 6 for March
1) Cab – Rodney Strong
2) Zin – Cameron Hughes (a new entry at only $9.98!)
3) Pinot – Sebastiani
4) Chardonnay – Edna Valley
5) Cab – Alexander Valley
6) Cab – Ghost Pines
Seghesio – Zinfandel Sonoma County 2007
Had this one at Thanksgiving and fine it was – This came in at 93 points on the Wine Spectator scale and this month made number 10 on their Top 100 for 2008. This is remarkable value at less than 20 bucks – $18.99 at BevMo and is flying out the door like hot cakes.… Continue reading Seghesio – Zinfandel Sonoma County 2007
Chateau St. Jean, Merlot, Cal/Napa, 2004
What do you get when you cross a stingy git from Stockport and a wine shopping experience. Answer: Who knows! As it happens I have to give Glyn the benefit of this one as he found it and i’ve had a few bottles since. He did claim/hope that it was a $5 wine but in… Continue reading Chateau St. Jean, Merlot, Cal/Napa, 2004
Kendall-Jackson, Zin, Cal, 2006-Vintners Reserve
Not usually a fan of the larger/commercial wineries but hey it was a bargain-ish. $11 with the usual safeway 6 pack but $16 with real money (which I wouldn’t buy it for). Anyway, to the wine..it was OK actually. Quite smooth and gentle, as opposed to harsh and bitey. Very drinkable. Would put it into… Continue reading Kendall-Jackson, Zin, Cal, 2006-Vintners Reserve
Pezzi King Zinfandel 2005 Sonoma County
This is a great Zin. Like the 7 Deadly Zins only more so. It’s available at BevMo(Follow the link to check the availability at your local one) It’s moderately priced at $15.99 (That’s with the BevMo $2 off) I first had this at Two for T’s birthday (She was drinking the A-Z Pinot Noir from… Continue reading Pezzi King Zinfandel 2005 Sonoma County
Que syrah syrah…
Just found Jepson on sale in TJ’s over the weekend, $7.99 for their 2005 Syrah! I highly recommend it, a nice fruity (berry) and robust red, perfect for just sitting around with friends, which is what we used it for on Sat night! Might be my current fave……